Our Story

Himalayan Bamboo Pvt. Ltd. is a Nepal based company established in the year 2000 with its main objective as production of bamboo and wood flooring. It has state-of –art manufacturing facility for the production of bamboo & wooded floors. With ten years of experience Himalayan Bamboo Pvt. Ltd. possesses well trained manpower in the subject.

Himalayan Bamboo Pvt. Ltd. an ISO 9001(QMS) & ISO 14001(EMS) accredited company is a socially responsible company that aims to promote bamboo and wood as a key construction material so that bamboo growers and community forest user groups are benefited at the first place. This will be one of the attractive incomes generating business for the villagers and at the same time Environment will be well protected by greening the uncultivated area of the villagers land.

Bamboo is available in multipurpose species which has multi dimensional uses. Bamboo is one of the oldest materials used for the construction of houses and other structures. It has strength, flexibility and versatility and therefore it is suitable for every component of the house when treated and used properly. As an excellent building material it is relatively cheap and easy to work with. Of all the great advantages of bamboo housing is its low cost compared to commercial houses. HBPL has built more than 35 different designs of bamboo houses in different parts of the country.

HBPL has been promoting bamboo housing for the benefit of rural poor and homeless people in order to improve their livelihood condition. HBPL has been associated with INBAR (International Network for Bamboo and Ratten), GTZ and World Bank. INBAR is an International intergovernmental organization which aims to transfer technology and develop networking between producer and consumers of bamboo and rattan around the world.

Why Bamboo Housing

Of all the advantages of bamboo housing technology, the most important is its low cost that doesn't sacrifice quality, durability or space. Instead it provides an option that is feasible for populations with scarce resources.

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Bamboo House Construction Process

Bamboo House Construction Process
